
Responsibility for contents
While we attempt to ensure the accuracy completeness and legality of the contents of our site, we can not guarantee this.

In accordance with paragraph 7, section 1, of the TDG (Gesetz über die Nutzung von Telediensten), we, as originators, are answerable for the overall legal requirements of our site.

We are not held responsible for information displayed or stored on a remote site (paragraphs 8-10 TGD). As soon as any violation of rights is made known to us we will remove the offending content. Any subsequent responsibility shall only apply from the time the actual rights violation was made known to us.

Responsibility for links
Our web pages contain links to external third-party web sites. We have no control over the contents of such web sites. The propriety of their content rests with the host or operator of the site, for which we can neither provide any guarantee nor accept any responsibility.

We verify the propriety of external web sites at the time the link is inserted. At the time the link is created we are not aware of any violation of rights. We can not undertake an ongoing check for violations in all the links we provide. If any such violation is made known to us we will immediately remove the link.

Content and works provided by the owner of this web site are protected under German copyright law. All third-party content is marked as such. Reworking, expanding, and utilization in any form requires written authorization of the respective authors or creators. Copying from this site is only permitted for private use, not for any commercial purpose.

You will find links to other internet sites on our site. We wish to inform you that we have no influence on their design or content of linked sites. We can therefore take no responsibility for the accuracy, correctness, completeness, or quality of any displayed information. In view of the foregoing, we distance ourselves from all content of these sites. This declaration applies to all our internet pages which contain links to external sites and their contents.

Data protection
We place the greatest value on the protection of your data and the preservation of your privacy. Information about data collection and analysis when using our web pages can be found below.

Anonymous data collection
You can visit our web sites without providing any information about yourself. We store no personal data during this interaction. In order to improve our offering, we only collect statistical data which can not be linked back to you personally.

Collection, processing, and use of personally identifiable data
We only collect personally identifiable data (personal or circumstantial particulars of named or identifiable actual persons) to the extent required to process orders received specifically from you.

Processing and use of your personally-identifiable data follows from fulfilling and executing the contractually agreed performance and execution of your order, as well as from responding to your questions.

To ensure complete processing of contracts, data is retained for the period required for tax and business purposes and deleted at the end of that time, provided that continuing work or other use has not been agreed upon.

Dissemination of personal data
Your data is not passed on to third parties without your express permission. Excluded from this provision are only those of our suppliers who need this information to be able to provide their services. In this case we require them to adhere strictly to the requirements of the Federal Data Protection Act. Dissemination of information is thus kept to a minimum.

Our internet pages make use of so-called cookies in many places. Cookies are small text files sent to your computer and stored by your browser. They serve to make our presentation more friendly, convenient, and safe to use. More generally, cookies allow our server to recognize your browser and provide you with specific services. Cookies contain no personally-identifiable data.

Use of Google Analytics
This web site uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service of Google Inc. (“Google”). Google Analytics uses so-called “cookies”, text files which are stored on your computer and enable analysis of your use of the web site. The cookie-derived information about your use of the web site is, as a rule, sent to a Google server in the USA and stored there. In the case where the IP-anonym sing has been activated, your IP address will be shortened by Google to represent a location within the member states of the EU or in other associated states of the European business area. The full IP address will only be sent to Google’s server in exceptional circumstances, and shortened there. Google uses this information about your use of the site to provide the site operators with reports about overall web site activity and internet use related to their services. IP addresses provided by your browser in connection with Google Analytics will not be combined with other Google data. You can disable the storage of cookies by changing a setting in your browser; we advise you that in that case you may not be able to use all the features of our web site. Further to that, you can prevent the collection of cookie-related information about your use of the site (including your IP address), by Google and thus prevent this data from being used by Google, if you download and install this browser plug-in: [].

Use of Userlike plugins

This website uses Userlike, a live chat software provided by Userlike UG. Userlike uses “Cookies”, which are text files placed on your computer and that enable having personal chats on this website. The data collected will not be used to identify a visitor personally and it is not aggregated with any personal data of this user.

Disclosure, correction, blocking, and deletion of data
You have the right at any time to examine your stored data, at no cost, as well as the right to correct, delete, or block it. Let us know your wishes. You can find contact information though our home page.

This translation of the sales contract is provided as a service to our English-speaking customers. In case of any discrepancy between this translation and the original document, available here [link to German version], the German version shall take precedence.